Sunshine Weekly Weeder Newsletter
7 May 2015
All Gardener's Meeting
Saturday, May 30, 10:00 am
In addition to regular garden business, elections will be held for president, vice president, treasurer, and a one-year board position. Please plan to attend and take part in electing leadership for the upcoming year.
Compost Tea
Compost tea is available in the north building. We are fortunate to have compost tea so readily available. Give your plants a little boost after the nice rain to support the bountiful harvest we're all planning on. According to Oregon State University Extension, compost tea is a good overall plant booster. It is typically used to provide nutrients for a foliar or soil application or as a microbial soil inoculant to build soil microbe population.
Compost Woes
From Janet Adams:
Within the last week, there have been four dumps of logs and other large pieces of trees. One was done by an older couple in a red truck. They left a hackberry tree. The other was done by a landscaper. They left huge logs which you can probably still see by the dumpster awaiting a chainsaw. I'm writing to all of you via the Weeder to make sure you help to protect our compost area from these types of people. We cannot handle large pieces of wood, we just don't have the time or space to let them decompose. They end up in our dumpster and that takes a lot of work as well.
So...if you see anyone at the compost leaving things the signs say we do not accept please step up and tell them to stop and read the signs. Please get a name or license or something to identify them and we will contact them to remind them of our rules. We are providing a service to landscapers by being in the center of town where they can take their leaves/bark chips. They have to pay to dump those things somewhere else.
Chip Woes and Request for Volunteers
From Katy Davis, Zone 2 Coordinator:
One of the landscapers or tree companies that keep our chip pile piled high with chips left some logs in the pile, despite signs asking them not to. We need volunteer(s) with chain saws and a Paul Bunyon complex to cut these huge logs down to pick-upable size so they can be transported to the country. Or perhaps you want them for yourself. They are located next to the dumpster. Please contact Katy Davis if you can help. Thanks!
Got "Holey" Leaves?
Are you noticing holes in your leaves? If you see the culprits, do they quickly scoot away? You might be hosting four-lined plant bugs. Check out this integrated pest management site for how to control these common pests:
Can You Can?
In the planning stage is a canning event at the commercial kitchen at Sustainable Food Center for at Saturday in mid June - either the 13th or the 20th. Learn how to can and process tomatoes or other food products. More info to follow. Cost will be about $10.
What to plant mid-May:
Cantaloupe/Muskmelon; Warm Season Greens; Okra; Southern Peas; Peppers (transplants); Sweet Potatoes (slips); Pumpkin; Winter Squash; Pumpkins
Officer and Zone Coordinator Contacts - Sunshine Garden
- President - Ila Falvey
- Vice-President - Janet Adams
- Secretary - Ginny Heilman
- Treasurer - Jack Reynolds
- Director - Michael Hall
- Director - Kay McMurry
- Director - vacant
Zone Coordinators
- Zone 1, Jody Trendler
- Zone 2, Katy Davis
- Zone 3, Ludmila Voskov
- Zone 4, Ila Falvey
- Zone 5, Mary Gifford
- Zone 6, Charlotte Jernigan
- Zone 7, Jing Li
- Zone 8, Irina Kaducova
- Zone 9, Cheryl Hazeltine
- Zone 10, Christopher Schroder
Other Coordinators
- Weekly Weeder Newsletter - Margaret Powis
- Plant Sale - Michael Hall
- TSBVI Liason & Volunteer Coordinator - Janet Adams jartdaht@gmailcom
- Plot Rental - Kay McMurry
- Carpentry & Repairs - Robert Jarry
- Water Leak Repairs - Stewart Nichols
- Tools & Wheelbarrows - Bob Easter
- Website Coordinator - Sharon Rempert
Record Service Hours Online - the Virtual Green Binder