Sunshine Weekly Weeder Newsletter
9 October 2013
Potluck Lunch
Micah 6 will hold a potluck lunch at Sunshine Trailer on Sunday, October 20 from 1-3 pm. All Sunshine gardeners are welcome; please bring a dish to share!
We are celebrating our fellowship and contributions to the Micah 6 Food Pantry. So far this year Sunshine volunteers have grown, harvested, and delivered over 1700 lbs of food, benefiting the less fortunate in our community.
Please RSVP to Susan Hoberman at
Micah 6 Donations
Micah 6 gladly accepts donations of food from gardeners.
Micah 6 supplies several food pantries with fresh vegetables for those who need help. If you have any extra vegetables you would like to contribute, please leave them in the trailer refrigerator (if perishable). Non-perishables can be left on the table in the office on the right as you enter the trailer.
Minutes of the All-Gardener's Meeting-October 5, 2013
Approximately 30 gardeners attended.
Reminder - Buy your winter transplants at TSBVI's sale.
Rabbits - are probably living under the toolshed and the trailer. We discussed fencing the perimeter of these buildings leaving them partly open at one end, and setting up cages to catch the rabbits as they leave to eat. We are looking for volunteers to install the fencing. Please let me know
Fire ant bait - is available for use. Please use it properly. Fire ants forage during the cool morning hours and late evening. Each mound requires no more than 4 - 6 tablespoons of bait and it should be spread near the mound, but not on top of the mound. Ants forage away from their mounds. Cheryl Hazeltine is going to send send Margaret Powis the recipe for Howard Garrett's bait for treating fireants to be published in the Weeder.
Tractor - we have a new tractor and several people have been trained to use it.
Maintenance - Maintenance of both individual gardens and the garden was discussed. We are obligated under our contract with TSBVI to maintain the garden and everyone was urged to do their part.
TSBVI hours - what counts: maintaining the fence line, weeding it of Johnson grass hackberries, and other weeds. We are leaving the vine with red berries (Carolina snailseed). Also maintaining the compost area (picking up trash and rocks and mowing) counts as TSBVI hours.
Financial report - Is available. Contact Ila Falvey
Water - TSBVI is using our water for their greenhouse. They are working to fix their water system and may drill their own well. Conserving water is strongly urged. Our water bill from January 2013 to August 2013 is almost $8,000.
Nichole Fisher is taking over Michael Mobley's position at TSBVI.
Reusable items - place them outside the toolshed to the left of the door. Don't put usable pots or plant trays in the trash. The only plant that belongs in the dumpster is khaki weed. Also, do not put trash from home in the dumpster and make sure items placed in the dumpster actually fit. Please flatten produce boxes before placing in the dumpster.
Compost piles - A reminder to place garden waste in the appropriate piles
Audit committee - we have a new audit committee to review our books. The members are Carol Limaye, Beth Schlecter, and Teresa Chatkoff.
Site rules - we need to revise our site rules and bylaws. We're looking for volunteers to be on the committee. They should have patience, good negotiating skills, and a long attention span.
Compost operation - we would like to expand our composting efforts. Contact Ila if you would be willing to solicit businesses for materials and/or would be willing to pick up materials for the compost pile.
Monthly open house - Ila brought up the idea of having a monthly open house, now that the weather is cooler. We would have volunteers available to show the garden to visitors who drop in.
Compost - Revitalizer compost from the Natural Gardener is available to gardeners, 10 gallons per full plot and 5 gallons per half and quarter plots.
Produce theft - some people have reported thefts of produce. If you see someone that you don't recognize, politely ask them where their plot is. Another option is to take a picture of them.
TSBVI Transplants for Sale
The TSBVI winter garden transplants' sale has been moved to the hoop house. There is a good selection of broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower (including Veronica, the green variety that looks like it came from outer space), Brussel Sprouts and Pansies. Plants are $1.00 each, please leave the money in the money box.
Homemade Fire Ant Destroyer
This recipe comes from Howard Garret via our own Sunshine gardener, Cheryl Hazeltine.
1 Gallon Water
1 TBS Blackstrap Molasses
6 TBS Orange Oil
A dash of dishwashing detergent
Mix well and pour over mound in the morning or evening when the ants are active.
Water and Rabbit Problems
Contact Stewart Nichols if:
- You see any leaks in the garden irrigation system contact Stewart at
- If you have suffered a rabbit attack on your garden, Stewart's email is
Rodent Control
It was suggested at the all gardeners meeting that we obtain several feral cats (neutered, of course) to live at the garden and control rodents. Any comments?
Free Compost
If you have not claimed your free compost, 10 gallons for a full plot and 5 gallons for a half or quarter plot, please do so before Sunday, Oct 13th. 1 bucket is approximately 5 gallons.
Thought for the week
The massacre of dandelions (an English weed) is a peculiarly satisfying occupation, a harmless and comforting outlet for the destructive element in our natures. It should be available as a safety valve for everybody. Last May when the dandelions were at their height, we were visited by a friend whose father had just died; she was discordant and hurt .... After two days of weed slaughtering her face was calm. The garden had healed her.
Clare Leighton, 1935
What to do in October:
Early month: plant Arugula, Broccoli, Cabbage, Cauliflower, Chinese Cabbage, and Kohlrabi
All month: Beets, Chard, Collards, Garlic, Kale, Mustard, Multiplier onion, and Radish
Officer and Zone Coordinator Contacts - Sunshine Garden
- President - Ila Falvey
- Vice-President - Janet Adams
- Secretary - Berk Bettis
- Treasurer - Jack Reynolds
- Director - Michael Hall
- Director - Kay McMurry
- Director - Emily Tisinger
Zone Coordinators
- Zone 1, Jody Trendler
- Zone 2, Katy Davis
- Zone 3, Ludmila Voskov
- Zone 4, Ila Falvey
- Zone 5, Mary Gifford
- Zone 6, Charlotte Jernigan
- Zone 7, Jing Li
- Zone 8, Irina Kaducova
- Zone 9, Cheryl Hazeltine
- Zone 10, Christopher Schroder
Other Coordinators
- Weekly Weeder Newsletter - Margaret Powis
- Plant Sale - Michael Hall
- TSBVI Liason & Volunteer Coordinator - Janet Adams jartdaht@gmailcom
- Plot Rental - Kay McMurry
- Carpentry & Repairs - Robert Jarry
- Water Leak Repairs - Stewart Nichols
- Tools & Wheelbarrows - Bob Easter
- Website Coordinator - Sharon Rempert
Record Service Hours Online - the Virtual Green Binder