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Tomatoes | Peppers | Eggplants/Tomatillos | Herbs

Eggplants/Tomatillos - 2020

Note: This list is what we're hoping to have for the plant sale. Depending on factors such as germination rates and weather will determine the number of plants we will have.


Name Description
Black Beauty Classic big-fruited black eggplant is nearly 100 yrs old. Glossy fruits become quite large and well shaped. 80 days.
Fairy Tale Purple-and-white mini eggplant. Wonderful flavor, no bitterness, few seeds. 65 days.
Green Goddess Produces heavy yields of little 8" long by 2" wide light green eggplants. Mild and very delicious. Heavy yielding. 63 days.
Ichiban Upright, slender purple, high yield oriental type. 8oz. 61 days.
Listada de Gandia Rich purple striping on creamy white skin. Teardrop to round shape. 6 inches long. Flesh is delicious and sweet. 75 days.
Long Purple An Italian heirloom. Milder, more delicate flavor than regular eggplant. Thin skin makes it easy to cook. 80 days.
Machiaw Pale lavender skin, 9-12" long. Mild tasting white flesh. 65 days.
Malaysian Dark Red From Malaysia. Tender and delicious is long and slender. Perfect for frying. 70-80 days.
Nadia Glossy dark purple-black skin and outstanding fruit and great production qualities. 70 days.
Pingtung Long Slender violet-purple eggplant 12” long. Mild flavor and tender white flesh. Thrives with continuous harvests in summer. 65 days.
Rosa Bianca White with soft lavender streaks. White flesh, no bitterness. An Italian heirloom. 75 days.
Rosita Lavender-pink teardrop shape fruit with white shoulders. Sweet, mild flesh. 75 days.
Shooting Stars Small striped, vivid purple and white. 3-4" oblong-shaped. Can be grown in a container or out in the garden. 55 days.
Thai Long Green Heirloom from Thailand, very mild and sweet. 10-12" long, lime green. 85 days.
Tsakoniki Purple fruit with white streaks. Delicate, sweet flavor. From Leonidio, Greece. 75 days.
Udumalpet Indian variety is early and tender. Purple with white stripes, 3-4 inch long egg shape. 70 days.
White Beauty White fruit with creamy, dense flesh. Sweet flavor. 5-6 inches long. 70 days.


Name Description
Cisineros Incredibly large, productive. Apple-green with papery husk that splits open as fruit matures and turns yellow-green. Bright green stage for the tartest flavor. 75 days.
Plaza Latina Giant Green 3-4 inch fruit from seed originally saved from Plaza Latina Market in Eugene, Oregon. 80 days.
Purple 2-4 oz fruit. Variety is difficult to find. 70 days.
Grande Rio Verde Yields large, apple-green fruits. The mediumsized, determinate plants need no staking. Fruits reach 3-4 ounces. Yields are very high. 83 days.
Pineapple Ground Cherry Cherry sized with sweetness of pineapple. 70-95 days.

Garden Thoughts



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