Sunshine Community Garden - the Community Garden Initiative of Central Texas

Board Meeting Minutes for 05-14-2013
Location: 4:00PM at Janet Adams' house

Board members present are Ila Falvey, Janet Adams, Jack Reynolds, Kay McMurry and Emily Tisinger
Absent are Michael Hall and Berk Bettis
Gardeners in attendance: Randy Thompson

Motion made by Janet to delay acceptance of the last board meeting minutes until the next board meeting since the Secretary is not present. Seconded by Jack. All in favor, none opposed.

Ila asked Janet to take the minutes for this meeting.


Zone coordinator:

Emily reports that Zone 7 ZC is Jing Li, Zone 10 ZC is Chris Schroeder.


To be held in September. Ludmila and Jody will be in charge.


Charitable Donations

-in memory of Vernon, $250 to trips for vets. Ila will provide info and details to Jack so that the donation can be made.

-to Ecology Action, $150, Janet will make the donation and submit receipt to be refunded.

Pay Pal update

From Jack, the cost is 2.2% + 20cents/transaction for non-profits. Jack will set it up. HIs goal is to have it ready to go in October.

New quarter plots

Several on the waiting list want 1/4 plots. Should we proceed with the development of the previously agreed upon location? It is caliche, will require much work, much purchased dirt and compost. An alternate area was suggested. An underused common area in G1. Room for 3 quarter plots in the common area. Will need water service but there is water nearby. Will need volunteers to install new faucet in the area. Motion made by Kay and seconded by Janet to develop new plots in G1 and look in other areas of the garden for possible new plots. All in favor, none opposed.

Payments received

No update ready yet.

Audit committee formation

Emily will contact possible volunteers for audit committee and report back to Board regarding their interest and willingness.

Update of site rules

Committee formation- Will announce at All Gardeners meeting the formation of the Committee to revise site rules. Ask for interested volunteers. Committee to provide opportunity for individual gardeners to have input during the revision process without becoming members of the committee. Goal to have process completed before the next season starts (February 1).


TSBVI garden/relationship

  1. Having a work day on August 10, Saturday, 8AM. Will be announced in Weeder.
    Will measure for needs for new crushed granite to replenish walkways in TSBVI garden and along Micah 6 foodbank garden. Janet will get estimates and Board will make decision via email before purchase is made.
  2. Official volunteers will fill out forms and submit to Nancy Seibert to turn in to Gloria, volunteer coordinator at TSBVI. It has been suggested by Michael Mobley, teacher at TSBVI, and Bill, superintendent at TSBVI, that we have about 8 reliable volunteers to be official ones in order for us to work more closely with the students in their horticulture program including helping in their greenhouse and classroom as needed.


  1. Bob Easter reports there are enough tools for now. He will fix broken tools when the weather cools.
  2. Sharpshooters: there are two in the tool shed as of today.
  3. Lopers: Will be kept in the tool shed and accessible to all gardeners.
  4. Tree puller: Expensive. Will not buy one in the near future.
  5. Gasoline: need to have a volunteer that will keep the gas cans full.
  6. Non-motorized lawn mowers(see discussion and decision below)

Non-motorized lawn mowers

Discussion about value of keeping mowers when no one is maintaining (i.e.sharpening) the mowers. There are four of them taking up much space in the tool shed. Observations are that the mowers do nothing to make the grass shorter. Need constant sharpening, after each use. Motion made and seconded to donate those four mowers to Goodwill. All in favor, none opposed.

Sales tax

Jack will research our responsibility and report back to the Board.


Reminder that "reply all" means "all."

Reminder that courtesy is expected in all of our communications, written and oral.


Board's decision to have policy of "NO PLANTS EXCEPT KHAKI WEED" in dumpster. Also reminder that the dumpster is for garden use only, no trash from home or business.


Jody Trendler will be contacted by Emily to provide details about a recycling company we may be interested in to increase the garden's recycling of paper and plastics. Emily will ask her to contact Janet for further presentation to the Board.

New office building

Start discussion about the possibility of replacing the trailer to increase insulation, security, bathroom accessibility. At general meeting ask for volunteers to be on committee to research the options.

Next Board meeting

Scheduled for Tuesday, September 24, 6PM.

All gardeners meeting

Scheduled for Saturday, September 28, 10 AM at the garden.

Up for discussion at the All Gardeners' meeting:

Motion made to adjourn by Jack, seconded by Kay. All in favor.
