Tomatoes | Peppers | Eggplants/Tomatillos | Herbs
Herbs - 2020
Note: This list is what we're hoping to have for the plant sale. Depending on factors such as germination rates and weather will determine the number of plants we will have.
Plant | Variety | Description |
Amaranth | Red Spike | Ideal color and form for late-summer and fall arrangements. Gracefully-arched, feathery plumes. When plants are young and leaves are tender, the foliage makes a nice edible green. |
Anise Hyssop | Popular bedding plant and edible flower. Very aromatic with a sweet, licorice-mint flavor. Vigorous plants produce abundant blooms, attracting bees and other pollinators. | |
Artichoke | Imperial Star | A green artichoke specifically bred for annual production. Plants become 1 1/2-3' tall and have an open growth habit. Each typically produces 1-2 primary buds, which average 3-4" in diameter, and 5-7 smaller secondary buds. |
Basil | Amethyst Improved | Large 2-3" thick, turned-down leaves. This stunning basil is nearly black in color. Edible Flowers: Use the flowers in any recipe that calls for basil, or to garnish drinks, salads, soups, pasta, and desserts. Flavor is of intense basil. |
Basil | Cardinal | Thai basil with larger leaves. Edible ornamental with showy flowers. Very uniform, upright habit.Purple stems and dark, purple-red flower bracts. Cinnamon/clove flavor with hints of anise. |
Basil | Genovese | Classic Italian variety. Authentic flavor and appearance. Tall and relatively slow to bolt with large dark-green leaves about 3" long. Ht. 24-30". |
Basil | Mrs. Burns' Lemon | Very bright green, 2 1/2" long leaves with white blooms make this basil both attractive and intensely flavorful. Ht. 20-24". |
Basil | Spicy Bush | Small dome-shaped plants with tiny leaves. Spicy, sweet basil flavor packed into 1" long leaves. Decorative plants can be grown in pots or used in garden beds. Ht. 8-14". |
Basil | Sweet Thai | Spicy, anise-clove flavor. Attractive purple stems and blooms. |
Bee Balm | Wild Bergamot | Bright-lavender blooms with a spicy scent. Plants produce flowers in the second year after planting. Add petals to salads, sprinkle over mild fish, use in fruit salads, or to garnish desserts and drinks. |
Bee Balm | Panorama | Popular, multi-purpose perennial in shades of lavender, salmon, magenta, and pale to bright pinks. Attracts bees, butterflies, and hummingbirds to the garden. Add petals to salads, sprinkle over mild fish, use in fruit salads, or to garnish desserts and drinks. Flavor is minty and spicy. |
Borage | Edible flower with mild cucumber flavor. Large plants bear hundreds of small edible flowers, mostly blue and some pink. Long harvest period. Borage flowers attract bees and butterflies. | |
Calendula | Alpha | Clear bright-orange blooms are reminiscent of gerber daisies. Petals of the flowers can be used fresh or dried in "flower confetti," soups, soufflés, rice dishes, baked goods, and to garnish desserts. Calendula is a popular choice for brightening up salad mix. Flavor is tangy and slightly bitter. |
Cutting Celery | Leafy herb with bold celery flavor. Use fresh in salads, cooked in soup, stew, and mixed vegetables. Also known as leaf celery. | |
Dill | Hera | Excellent bunching dill. Plants have a uniform habit, are slow to bolt, and produce high yields of foliage. |
Echinacea | Purpurea | Common purple coneflower. Vigorous plants with large, purple-petaled flowers. Attracts and is a food source for bees. |
Lavender | Munstead | A strain of English lavender with a compact, bushy habit. Nice range of bloom colors, from pale blue to dark violet. Usually begins flowering in the second year. Edible Flowers: The flowers can be used to garnish desserts and as a distinct flavor element in baked goods. |
Lemon Balm | Distinct lemon flavor. Fresh leaves for tea and salads. Easy to grow. | |
Lemongrass | East Indian | Aromatic grass from India. |
Marjoram | Sweet | Aroma is similar to oregano, but sweeter and more balsam-like. Edible Flowers: Use the flowers, which have a mild and marjoram-like flavor, as you would the herb to garnish salads, soups, stews, sauces, and stuffing. |
Marjoram | Sweet Zaatar | An oregano relative with zesty flavor. Native to the Mediterranean, where it has flavored meals for thousands of years. Soft gray-green leaves on plants with a semi-upright habit. Flavor combines those of sweet marjoram, thyme and oregano. Not to be confused with Z'atar, an herbal blend of several ingredients. |
Mexican Mint Marigold | Aromatic leaves are a substitute for French Tarragon. Sweet licorice flavor brightens salads and main dishes. The edible, pretty, golden-yellow flowers bloom all summer. | |
Mint | Common | A zesty, versatile herb. Use to flavor salad mix, main dishes, ice cream, and drinks. Variety not stated since mint does not grow true-to-type from seed. |
Milkweed | Butterfly Weed Asclepias tuberosa | This bushy, 1 1/2-2 ft. perennial is prized for its large, flat-topped clusters of bright-orange flowers. Its brilliant flowers attract butterflies. |
Milkweed | Tropical Asclepias curassavica | This beautiful, well-behaved asclepias is a favorite of both gardeners and monarchs alike. Tropical milkweed can serve as a popular host plant and nectar flower all season long. |
Milkweed | Silky Gold Asclepias curassavica | This beautiful, well-behaved asclepias is a favorite of both gardeners and monarchs alike. Silky Gold milkweed can serve as a popular host plant and nectar flower all season long. |
Oregano | Greek | A true Greek oregano. Strong oregano aroma and flavor; great for pizza and Italian cooking. Attracts beneficial insects such as bees, hoverflies, lacewing larva, parasitic wasps, and tachinid flies. |
Papalo | Aromatic Mexican native for tacos, salsa, and sauces. Large, bluish green leaves with a flavor reminiscent of cilantro and arugula. Popular in Hispanic communities where it is used like cilantro. | |
Parsley | Peione | High leaf mass on thick, upright stems for easier harvest. |
Pipicha | Mexican native culinary herb. Similar to Papalo but with narrow leaves. Upright plants with flavor reminiscent of cilantro and arugula. Popular in Hispanic communities where it is used like cilantro | |
Rosemary | Although the flowers are small, they have a bold rosemary flavor. They should be used fresh as a garnish for savory dishes and salads, and pair well with roasted vegetables, fruits, or whipped cream | |
Sage | Extrakta | Robust, uniform plant. Also known as garden sage. Edible flowers: Use as garnish, or as an ingredient in rice, egg, or cheese dishes. |
Salad Burnet | Unique leaf shape for salads, garnishes. Edible foliage has a mild cucumber flavor, and combines well with any dish that calls for cucumber. Oval-toothed leaflets and deep-crimson flowerheads. Makes an attractive landscape plant. | |
Savory | Winter | Perennial cousin to summer savory, with thicker and shinier leaves. Flavor is more pungent and biting. Has a higher proportion of thymol than summer savory. |
Shiso | Britton | Eye-catching green leaves with red undersides. Good salad mix item, or use larger leaves as sushi wraps or garnishes. Mild mint/basil aroma. The flowers are a flavorful addition to salads and Asian dishes. The minty, basil-like flavor has hints of clove and cumin |
Sorrel | Red Veined | Flashy sorrel for salads. Bright-green leaves with contrasting dark maroon stems and veins add color and taste to salad mix. Same sharp, tangy flavor as regular sorrel. Best variety for indoor production. Best when harvested young for salad mix as large leaves are tough. |
Spilanthes | Lemon Drops | Flower heads in the shape of gum drops. Commonly known as toothache plant. Contains a natural analgesic which numbs the tongue and gums, relieving toothache pain. Flowers, which have a spicy and citrus-like flavor, can be used as a garnish on ice cream and drinks. |
Thyme | Creeping | Sturdy aromatic ground cover. Slender, creeping stems and round leaves with lavender blooms. Can withstand light foot traffic and gives off pleasant aroma when walked upon. Drought tolerant once established. |
Thyme | Summer | Superb culinary thyme. Spicier, more pungent flavor than German Winter in a smaller plant. |