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Calling all Sunshine Gardeners

Our Annual plant sale will be held March 5, 2016

This is our most important fund raiser and requires many gardeners to swing into action to help with all of the preparations and activities during and after the plant sale. Most of the volunteer activities are during the plant sale (9-2), but there are before and after tasks also. If you help with the sale, you may buy plants Friday evening (3/4) after 5 pm. Your volunteer time will fulfill service hours. It is up to you to record your hours in the online green binder. No cars will be allowed in Sunshine after 4 o'clock on Friday until Sunday 3/7.

On the day of the sale there are two shifts - AM 8:30 to 11:30 and PM 11:30 to 2:30. Additionally, you have the option of working the entire day or if you can only work overlapping shifts that is fine.

Jobs include the following and a brief description. If you have any questions contact Ila.falvey@gmail.com.

Please read the job descriptions and use the sign up below


Silent Auction - Need volunteers to solicit donations/gardeners may contribute goods/services Please contact Kathleen Cobb kgc@tx-lobby.com

Gate/Greeting - Stand at the gate, hand out plant list, greet customers, answer questions.

Compost Sales - Bagging compost (we try to have as many bags as possible bagged prior to the sale) Compost from the Whittlesey is to be delivered on Friday. Heavy lifting is required. $5/ 5 gallon bag. Kyle Rosenblad and Ross Hageman are in charge.

Haulers - Helping our customers carry their purchases to their cars. Some heavy lifting. Wander around and offer help.

Receipt Writers - Customers select their purchases and receipt writers roam with clipboards and write out the customers receipt and give it to them to bring to the cashiers. Plant transplants and Herbs are $2/each (4 inch pots). The only exception is pass along plants and ornamentals. They are priced as marked. Diana Woraczyk is in charge.

Music Committee - Several positions needed PLEASE CONTACT charlotte@cybermesa.com directly to join us! Anyone can sign up for more than one of the jobs listed here as these jobs are not mutually exclusive of each other.

Tomato tents - Become familiar with the varieties for sale and help customers. Kay McMurry and Randy are in charge.

Pepper/Eggplant/Tomatillo tent - Become familiar with the varieties for sale and help customers. Marge T and Adriana in charge.

Pass along Plants - Become familiar with the varieties for sale and help customers. Susan Prosperie and Nancy Seibert are in charge.

Herbs/Ornamentals - Become familiar with the varieties for sale and help customers. Betty Chlystek and Jennifer Woertz in charge.

Stroller/Go to Person - Help volunteers and /or customers as needed.

Breakdown/Closing - Organize remaining plants (hopefully not too many).

Kitchen Set up - Refreshment set up for volunteers. Kathleen Cobb is in charge.

Garden Thoughts



Board Meetings

Second Tuesday of every month.